Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Playing catch up

So even though I love blogging, I forget to do it sometimes. So since it's been like 3 weeks since I posted, here I am playing catch up on this last month.
First things first, I cut my hair!
If you're friends with me on facebook, you already know this;)

Secondly, Jackson got a sweet new suit for church! All the ladies tell him he's so handsome.

Thirdly, Jackson and I go outside daily to go visit the little birds that live under the eaves of our roof.

Also, Jackson loves playing by himself a lot more, and will often ask me to come play with him too.

One thing he's getting really good at is finding something (even if he can't see it) when I ask "where's the ___?"
This is him finding the controller,

a ball,

And mommy's straightener.

Also he found daddy's contact lens case....but I didn't ask where that one was!

Well we're off to find more things:) more posts to come!

1 comment:

  1. He's probably so good at finding things because he's also the one HIDING them...
