Saturday, January 29, 2011

Getting adjusted

We are starting to get adjusted to our new house, it's taking a while, but with Jackson one step at a time is best.

The other day we got packages on the front steps, and Jackson wanted to help, so he moved the boxes from smallest to tallest---I didn't help I swear---and started climbing..

And then he got mad I was photographing him..

The new house is big and there's lots of places to hide, so he's sure hiding a lot:) we're having fun getting adjusted!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mommy and Jax and the front facing iPhone camera

So my new iPhone has front facing camera on it!! Which means you can see the picture as you are taking it:) Jackson loves it, and here's just a few examples:

Needless to say, we have fun:) he gets a kick out of seeing himself:):)


Moving sucks! In case any of you were thinking about moving anytime soon, I strongly urge you to reconsider! It's so exhausting! It's a pain, and with a 1 year old running around your feet the entire time your packing, its frustrating and it seems like no matter how many boxes you pack, there is still thousands more to go. Am I over exaggerating it? maybe only a tinsy wincy bit, but seriously I dislike it. I hate relocating everything you own. I have no idea where things are anymore, and I'll be darned if I don't get everything unpacked in the first week we are here!!
Actually, that most likely won't be happening, but a girl can dream can't she??
So unless you like never being able to find the things you want, don't move:)

I will say that with all the hassle of moving, we really like our new place. There have been quite a few speed bumps in the road, but I'm determined to keep on the sunny side of life for now!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Oh so much to blog about

There is so much to share! It's been over a month since I blogged and I've missed so much, I will try my hardest over the next few days to try and catch up. The main reason why I haven't been blogging is cuz I've got lots going on. Over Christmas time my mom moved here and we found a house for rent that we loved, and so the last few weeks have been non-stop packing and moving. I'm exhausted! Phew!
Jackson was my big helper:

I also have been working hard on making a family yearbook for Danny's side of the family, as well as an entire year of jackson's life in picture book form, for my mom and Danny. They were supposed to be ready around Christmas, but unfortunately it's still in the works!
I also participated in The Sketchbook Project (see pic of finished book below), and that was due Jan 15th, so I've really had my hands full!!!

Anyway, we had a fun Christmas!! Filled with Jackson opening lots of presents:)

He especially loved Potsy!! It was the prefect present since he loves pretending to cook with mummy's pots and pans!!

That pretty much sums up the things that have been going on... More to come soon....