Thursday, September 30, 2010

First steps

So over the last few days, Jackson has been taking a few steps on his own. He'll let go of the table and take 2 steps on his own! I can hardly believe it!! He's growing up so fast. As I sat and rocked him today before I laid him down for a nap, as he laid his little head on my shoulder, I couldn't help but think how I wanted to remember this exact moment, i.e. the smell and softness of his hair, the fact that he loves holding onto one of my fingers, for I know all too soon he will be too big for things like sitting with mommy and rocking in the rocking chair! How I will miss him being a baby so much. And even though he is still very much a baby to me, he is quickly becoming a toddler right before my eyes! He's independent and silly and loves to be tickled! He eats everything in sight and I can never get enough hugs and kisses from him. These are the things I've thought of today:)

That's all:)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm silly

Me and Jackson had baby ABC pasta for lunch with mixed veggies, and since Danny is at work this a picture of what he received

Lol! Awesome:)
I love you Danny. The end!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The party!!
Go to this link and read it! You won't be disappointed, I promise:) it's pretty much the most hilarious thing I've read in a long time:)
The end

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

it rained today

as i was laying in bed this morning around 5:30 am, listening to Jackson cry, i decided i was going to check my phone to do something constructive, instead of laying in bed beating myself up for letting him cry.
i decided to check the weather. its been a while since i checked it, and i haven't watched the news in i thought I'd check what the day was supposed to be like. I pulled open the weather app on my phone and it said sunny with a high of 73 degrees. I looked at the hour by hour forecast and it said sunny. when Jackson finally woke up this morning around 7, i checked the weather again...this time i looked outside first. there was a beautiful sunrise this morning...and it was fairly cloudy. i thought that was strange since when i checked it earlier it said sunny. when i checked the app again this time it said partly cloudy. still same temp and everything. then, as Danny was leaving for work, it got really cloudy and started raining. and then it started pouring!!! really pouring. i was baffled at the fact that the weather channel said nothing whatsoever about rain and then we get a downpour. that's what the weather is like in Utah all the time though. they say it will be sunny and warm and lo and behold we will end up with snow.
anyway we are having a good day. Jackson is happy, and just laid down for nap #2. he will take 3 naps today since he got tired really early this morning.
i talked to my mom on the phone yesterday and she told me she is coming to Utah! we could not be more excited!!! we always wanted to be closer to each other, but we never thought it would come true. anyway, we are excited for the prospect of getting to see her soon. We love you Grandma:)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jackson is 9 months old!!!!

I don't think I ever posted an update when Jackson had his 9 month check up at the doctors last Monday. He is doing great!!! he weighs 20 lbs, and is 29.5 inches long!! doctor says he is about the size of a one year old! lol. when he asked how big Jackson was when he was born, and I told him 9 lbs 2 oz, he said that made sense. he is growing like a little weed, and is getting into tons of trouble. He's recently discovered the toilet paper, and how to unroll it, so now we have to permanently keep the bathroom door closed so that he can't sneak in and create a giant mess. he can pretty much reach any cupboard or drawer within reach...and he knows how to get them open and how to get things out that he wants. He is also eating everything in sight...especially anything Danny and I are eating. over the weekend, while we were at an elder's quarm activity, Danny gave Jax a sip of his coke-cola, and Jackson went gaga for it. he got mad when Danny took the cup away from him. ha! anyways Jackson just woke up from his nap, so i better run. toodles

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

poor thing

Jackson has been pretty sick since last Wednesday. he's still got a runny nose and is pretty congested. he has troubles most days drinking a bottle, and is really sad that i have to suck his nose out a couple times a day.
today however, he was still snotty and drooly, but he managed to get his appetite back. we ate tons of yummy things, and he was so happy. i let him just play around the apt while i was cleaning up after our lunch...and this is what he did:
He found the fan!!!! p.s. since our air's been broken again he's loved having the fans around to play with! this time he can stand up on them!!!
a few seconds after i captured those...i couldn't find him! i was searching around all over the house saying "Jackson, Where are you?" and finally after a few times of saying that i hear him giggle under the table and i look down and see this:

that was pretty much our day  in a nutshell. the maintenance guy finally managed to come over around 5:30 and he fixed our air conditioner:) he also looked at our dish washer, which has been having issues, but upon inspection said he would need to come back to fix it for reals.
so here's me cheering to a nice cool night for all three of us!!! yay

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My birthday dinner

So for my birthday, Danny got a babysitter and took me to cheesecake factory. Because it's far away and always busy we decided to go on Thursday night, instead of Friday which would have been loads more busy. We only had to wait like 10min for our table:) we got turtle cheesecake to appetize on (b/c whenever we go we are so full by the end of dinner we don't have room for desert, so we got it first). We also got a small plate of fried zucchini:

It came stacked up like a little log cabin:) this pic was taken about half way through!
It also was the only pic I managed to take the whole night, but can you blame me?!
We had a great time! And we even got a slice of cheesecake to take home for later:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sick baby

Jackson woke up really sick today. well i have either concluded that he magically came down with a cold overnight, or he has really bad allergies. he woke up sneezing and with a runny nose. he continued to sneeze all day, and had a red, runny nose and watery eyes. poor thing was miserable. all he wanted to do was be help and cuddled. he was sick and just wasn't himself. he didn't even want me to put him down to let him play, he just wasn't in the mood. the only thing wonderful that happened today is that he had a wonderful time in the bath. he loves taking baths, so it was no surprise that even though he felt like crap, he managed to enjoy himself, and even smile and laugh while he was in the bath:) here is the picture i managed to capture:)

- he's so stinking cute. i love him, and here's hoping he starts feeling better soon and can get some really good sleep tonight

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

pumpkin pancakes

I recently subscribed to this blog. This is a link for the most delicious looking Pumpkin Pancakes with cinnamon butter. I want them right now. too bad it is almost 10:00 at night! I wish there was a big plate full of these pancakes in front of me as we speak. I will most definitely have to make them for breakfast sometime in the very near future!!!!
the End

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Nothing much to blog about today. Had a good day at church, and had to come home during the last hour so Jax could have a nap! Here are some pics I took of myself on my new phone!

And here's the newest wallpaper I downloaded on my phone

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, September 2, 2010

wow, its late

so i know its late. its midnight here currently. i am up simply for a few reasons. 1.) Jackson has been up crying since around 10:20 and got so hysterical that i had to go in to his room and pick him up. Which i never, ever, ever do! this was pretty much a first. he was so beside himself i decided to rock him quietly for a few minutes in the dark in his room. it worked...he finally calmed down and breathed a little bit. he started to fall i went and laid him back in his bed, but the crying started up again. i kissed him and walked out. he wasn't crying as loudly this time to i figured that he would go to sleep soon! i came back out here to do something on the computer so i would be distracted and i wouldn't sit and fret. just when i thought he was back asleep i snuck in to cover him with a blanky...but alas he was awake and noticed me and started crying. thank goodness he only cried for a few more minutes. i believe he is asleep now---i am not going back in there to hopefully he will stay asleep:)  and 2.) Danny is gone. he left to go take some food over to a family in our ward that just had a new baby. Danny used to work with the husband at Heritage and so we are friends. he left about 10:30pm...its now 12:07am so i hope he gets home soon! this is way past my bedtime!!
i don't know why i decided to blog about this...but let's face it: i don't really have anything better to do. do i? i certainly don't have anyone to talk to, and my phone is in with Jackson, playing some white noise, so i can't play a game. to all those who actually read this---Thank you! now if you are still reading post a comment telling me what your most favorite desert is...i could use something sweet right about now. and if Danny doesn't get home soon, i might just dig into the S'mores ice cream we just bought! :P

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

enjoying the day

Jackson is taking a lovely nap currently, so i took the opportunity to get a few things done! i went online and purchased the highchair i have had my eye on! its so cute. the print of the fabric is called Hoot, and it has the cutest little owls all over it:)
i also signed up to do the Sketchbook Project (thanks Julie) and should have that coming in the mail really soon! i am excited to do some drawing/sketching/painting ect. i haven't had much of a chance to do lots of creative things since Jax has been born. but now that he is getting bigger and able to get around by himself---i have more free time. especially  during his naps and when he goes to bed at night. he is such a wonderful baby:)
anyway so needless to say the creative juices are already flowing with ideas...and i haven't even gotten my sketchbook in the mail yet! yay.
today is Wednesday, and it seems like the week is going by quickly..well for me at least. Danny said this morning it was going by too slow!
 on another note, its my birthday in 10 days!!! yahoo:) i wish my mom was here to celebrate with me, since her's is on the 8th...but at least i will get a delicious cake. i already have it planned out in my head....a devils food chocolate cake with vanilla custard and alternating layers of banana's and raspberry's. with white chocolate whipped cream icing and coconut :P yummo!!!!
i wish i had some now! sigh