Thursday, August 26, 2010

today is proving to be a struggle

for whatever reason Jackson is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. he is usually a smiling happy baby, but not today. he kept waking up and crying during the night last night, which also NEVER happens. so once he was awake this morning i thought everything was fine, until around 8:35 when i went to lay him down for his morning nap. he cried and cried a lot. by the time it was 9:15 i tried to go in and comfort him. i tried covering him up with a blanky, i tried singing to him. nothing worked. i left thinking maybe he will eventually fall asleep on his own. that didn't work out either, he just cried more when i left. he got so hysterical that i went back in and picked him up.  i noticed he had a stinky diaper so i changed him and cleaned him up. i thought he could then go to sleep, but as soon as i laid him down he was hysterical. so instead i let him get up for a few minutes with me. maybe if i could distract him and calm him down he would get tired. well after about 10 minutes of quiet snuggling time on the couch he just fell asleep in my arms. i went and laid him in his crib and he took a nice nap. then when he woke up i fed him and played with him, but he was still fussing a lot more than normal. if i set him down on the floor he would cry, if i gave him toys he cried, if i picked him up he still cried. he was more quiet when i would hold him and walk around...but he is a heavy baby...and my arms get i can only do that for so long. he is finally asleep for his afternoon nap, and i am praying things get better. i don't really know what to do for him. i don't know if his teeth are just bothering him way bad, or if he's growing, or simply that he's so tired he doesn't want to do anything. just pray i don't lose my entire sanity before Danny gets home from work. sigh

Monday, August 23, 2010

the incredible anatomy of Jack Jack

I came across this on the interwebs just now and had to share!!! lol
In case you can't read it very well, here's mostly what it says:
heavy duty hair
superior intellect: can babble in four different dialects including "da-doo"
x-ray vision: able to complete hide-and-go-seek before the game even starts!
awesome agility: can bypass baby-barriers in a single bound
super-sensitve taste buds: can taste the difference between strained peas and creamed squash
phenomenial power: can break any toy without breaking a sweat
industrial strength spittle
highly accute hearing: can hear a rattle over one mile away!

lol!!!! campfire jackjack

Oh its monday

After a whirlwind crazy weekend, we are finally settling back into our normal routine. it's especially good for Jackson to get back to having normal quiet naps and an on schedule bedtime. today he will be taking 3 naps to make up for the last few crazy days. he is doing good though and staying happy! we will most likely be playing outside today...since it is nice and cool out there, and we might even take a trip to the store real quick--since Jackson needs formula again:)
We successfully got my mother-in-law off to the MTC this morning. she was nervous and excited, just like the first day of school.
Jackson is a lightning fast crawler...i can hardly keep track of him anymore! he loves exploring every nook and cranny in our apt:) it's just too cute


Thursday, August 19, 2010


its time to de-clutter. you know after years of it just being me, and then me and Danny, the small amount of clutter we did have wasn't a big deal. we kept the extra boxes and things in our spare bedroom and it was fine. well that was until Jackson came along. Jackson is in the other room now with our clutter. i really have been feeling guilty cuz i think he should be able to have his own place to play, where i won't get mad if he wants to play with things...because all those things will be his. right now however, that isn't the case. since Jackson has moved in, there is a large desk in his room, our printer and cables, our extra luggage, bins and boxes of things we need to keep, but don't need out right now...and lots of other small things. i love him to death, but now he is in the stage of wanting to touch and explore everything...and that is a problem in his room mainly. anyway there is lots of things that we need to move out of his reach. so yesterday was phase 1. i decided i wanted to get a storage unit down in the basement of our apt complex. its only $30 a month, and for that price i figured that would be perfect for what we need right now...a place to put "stuff". i went to go get the storage unit yesterday only to find out that they couldn't write up the contract b/c their computer was down at the time. i spent pretty much the entire day yesterday cleaning things and going through boxes and stuff and had a bunch of things packed up and ready to be taken down. that wasn't going to happen last night so all the boxes magically got stacked up in our room. today i went down and got the storage unit, and checked it out---it's pretty spacious:) and its just what we need. I was excited to get started moving things down when it started pouring rain. so i decided i had to let it go for now and maybe have Danny help me later. i noticed the massive pile of dishes needing to be done, so instead i got on here:)
here is to finally de-cluttering our house:)
and it will be nice and clean for when my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law come tomorrow! hooray
I realize this is not a picture of me...or of my house....but it pretty much sums up how i feel right now. and soon it should feel like this

ahhhh! now that's what i call relaxing:)

Monday, August 16, 2010

our trip to the Hogle Zoo

so we had lots of fun at the Hogle Zoo on Saturday! we had never been before, and we had a pretty good time. We got to see the new baby elephant named Zuri---we got to see her playing with this big red ball:) it was so cute. we also got to see penguin's, llama's, rhino's, and a few giraffe's. we also came super close to a cute little monkey---he came all the way to the glass and looked at us:)  we didn't get to take that many pictures, because i forgot the camera at home again! sigh. i did get to take a few with my phone, so without further ado, here they are:

playing with his raspberry before we left
 here is this sweet green snake all coiled up on a stick!
all smiles!!!!!!!
the golden gorilla 

these last three are of Jax playing with the spray bottle we squirted him with throughout the day.

Friday, August 13, 2010

going to the zoo tomorrow

so tomorrow we are going to go with Natalie, Brian, and their two kiddos to the zoo!! last week when we hung out we talked about it and now we are going to take the plunge. hopefully Jackson will enjoy getting to see all the animals. we have lots to do tomorrow, including going to the farmers market in the morning and also hunting Danny down some pants he can wear to church on sunday--since we took both of his suits down to the dry cleaners. tomorrow night is also our ward temple night. and it has been a while since both Danny and I were able to go to the temple. we just have been so busy since Jax came along, not to mention it is difficult to find a sitter. anyway i don't know if we will be able to make it to the temple, but the rest will be quite an adventure!!!

wish u all luck:) ta ta for now

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Things that annoy me

Lemme start off by saying that there are lots of things that annoy me. Today I'm going to talk about one of them.
There are a lot of people that live here in our apt complex. In the last year or so, there have been a lot move in that smoke. They aren't supposed to smoke on the property, but they do! They are always sitting under the car port to escape the rain and the sun and who knows what else, and it happens to be right at the bottom of the stairs that me and Jackson have to come down to check our mail! Ugh!!
That in and of itself annoys me enough, but that isn't the end of my rant. There is one couple in particular that makes me fuming mad. Not only do they smoke around their friends, but they gave a brand new tiny baby that they take outside with them every time, and smoke in a little huddle around her! This makes me so mad, and I feel so awful for that tiny baby, having to be subjected to that. She never got a choice in the matter!!
If that isn't already enough, I saw a new couple outside today when Danny came to get me for lunch. The wife had to be about 9 months pregnant, and as soon as they were outside by the mailboxes, they both lit up and started smoking! Uck! How could she choose be so inconsiderate. That tiny newborn has to be subjected to that disgusting habit. They baby isn't even born yet! I can't believe that some people do that. It makes me so sad to think about that little child and the fact that she doesn't care at all about it's right to live.
I've grown up around smokers my whole life. I know they don't care about subjecting their habit on other human beings. But subjecting a tiny baby, or unborn baby for that matter, to it just makes my blood boil! Someone needs to go knock some sense into them!!
That's all for today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, August 2, 2010

playing catch-up

well, its been a while since i posted. Sorry to all, things have just gotten a little crazy around the Crews' house. Jackson has mastered crawling and figured out how to stand up by pulling himself up on things like the couch, the lovesack, the coffee table, his changing table and such. pretty much anything he can get a good grip on and pull up. he is starting to eat lots more solids than just baby food. he wants to eat anything me and Danny are currently eating. he can eat crackers and crunchy snacks, juice and anything else he can get his paws on. he loves eating these freeze dried yogurt snacks for babies called melt-aways. he loves them. they are crunchy and taste yummy and melt easy in his mouth. he can't get enough of them. he is so excited to be awake every minute of the day! he is laughing so much more than ever and loves to play games like peek-a-boo and where did Jackson go? he is so awesome. i love to watch him learn new things:)
In other news, Danny is liking his new job. he is getting to learn a ton of new things every day. His boss is really nice, and is just as much of a computer nerd as Danny is. He likes going to work everyday, and he works so much closer to home now, so we get to see a lot more of him during the day, and sometimes we even get to see him for lunch:)
i guess its time for some new pictures, so with that i will sign off for now:)