Saturday, July 7, 2012

Let's talk weight loss

So you may have read that I've been on a lifestyle change to get healthy and fit. Since November I've lost 45lbs. Amazing right?! I think so. And even though I've pretty much met my original goal, I'm not stopping, and now I've kicked it up a but more by starting p90x. I've got Danny's family reunion in a few weeks, and I really want to do something awesome for myself. I never thought I would be doing p90x. I mean come on! Push-ups, pull-ups, and lifting weights---yup you heard it right and even though it's super hard, and I'm already sore after 3 days, I'm determined to see it though! There's no stopping me. I will be a changed woman in 90 days!
I had to take before pictures so I could have something to compare the ones in 90 days to...but I'm just not ready for anyone but me to see them yet, so you'll just have to wait. I read this quote on Pinterest that pretty much sums up exactly how I feel:

One day! This will happen..until then I'm too embarrassed to share. Anyway, don't think anyone reads this anyway, but comment if you want:)

1 comment:

  1. I am reading it... Just way behind schedule this month!! Congrats, Jess - you look great!
