Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Caught in the rain: a cautionary tale

Yesterday late in the afternoon Jackson begged to go to the park. It was gloomy and mildly cold, but I said yes anyway cuz we'd been cooped up for the last few days. We got the stroller out and started to walk when I had a feeling I should bring the umbrella along just in case. We made it to the park, and started swinging when I noticed it started to rain. Uh oh. Panic. "Hurry Jackson to the stroller" I shouted. We made it there just in time to get under the umbrella and figure out what to do next. It was raining to hard to stay, and it was gonna be a long walk home, but I said "let's go before we get too wet, and I'll let you hold the umbrella."
Well little did I know, a freak storm was on its way. We no sooner had left the park them a huge storm hit us full fledged. Winds whipping and swirling, rain pelting, thunder clapping and me running as fast as I could to get us home while leaves pelted me in the face, and rain soaked my clothes!
It was so windy Jackson couldn't hold the umbrella any longer! It was about to fold in on itself. So I closed it only to find the wind whipping harder, the rain pouring harder and the storm raging!
I never ran/jogged so quickly and with as much fervency as I did yesterday. We safely made it back to the house, after much crying from Jackson because the wind was blowing his jacket off his head and soaking him to the core. Here's some before and after photos:
Here we just made it to the park and started playing
Jackson picked me a rose when we got there, so I put it in my hair, and he exclaimed "mommy you pretty"

Next you'll see we are hiding with our hoodies on under the umbrella...

Jackson was so excited he had to wave to the camera. He likes rain a lot more than I do!
I did not get any more photos after this one because it was pouring and I couldn't take my phone out of my pocket without soaking it!
And that's the story of how we got caught in the rain!!

1 comment:

  1. I still remember Jaxy's face when he came down, out of breath and telling me: "Grandma, we got stuck in a wainstorm! And the wind was blowing off my jacket!" So cute, and memorable!!
