Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sick baby

Jackson woke up really sick today. well i have either concluded that he magically came down with a cold overnight, or he has really bad allergies. he woke up sneezing and with a runny nose. he continued to sneeze all day, and had a red, runny nose and watery eyes. poor thing was miserable. all he wanted to do was be help and cuddled. he was sick and just wasn't himself. he didn't even want me to put him down to let him play, he just wasn't in the mood. the only thing wonderful that happened today is that he had a wonderful time in the bath. he loves taking baths, so it was no surprise that even though he felt like crap, he managed to enjoy himself, and even smile and laugh while he was in the bath:) here is the picture i managed to capture:)

- he's so stinking cute. i love him, and here's hoping he starts feeling better soon and can get some really good sleep tonight