Tuesday, September 14, 2010

poor thing

Jackson has been pretty sick since last Wednesday. he's still got a runny nose and is pretty congested. he has troubles most days drinking a bottle, and is really sad that i have to suck his nose out a couple times a day.
today however, he was still snotty and drooly, but he managed to get his appetite back. we ate tons of yummy things, and he was so happy. i let him just play around the apt while i was cleaning up after our lunch...and this is what he did:
He found the fan!!!! p.s. since our air's been broken again he's loved having the fans around to play with! this time he can stand up on them!!!
a few seconds after i captured those...i couldn't find him! i was searching around all over the house saying "Jackson, Where are you?" and finally after a few times of saying that i hear him giggle under the table and i look down and see this:

that was pretty much our day  in a nutshell. the maintenance guy finally managed to come over around 5:30 and he fixed our air conditioner:) he also looked at our dish washer, which has been having issues, but upon inspection said he would need to come back to fix it for reals.
so here's me cheering to a nice cool night for all three of us!!! yay


  1. he just goes everywhere doesn't he?! haha adorable.

  2. You may think he discovered the fan... I think he's experimenting with being a pole dancer! ;)

    They are fun at this age, but hard to keep up with!
