Monday, August 2, 2010

playing catch-up

well, its been a while since i posted. Sorry to all, things have just gotten a little crazy around the Crews' house. Jackson has mastered crawling and figured out how to stand up by pulling himself up on things like the couch, the lovesack, the coffee table, his changing table and such. pretty much anything he can get a good grip on and pull up. he is starting to eat lots more solids than just baby food. he wants to eat anything me and Danny are currently eating. he can eat crackers and crunchy snacks, juice and anything else he can get his paws on. he loves eating these freeze dried yogurt snacks for babies called melt-aways. he loves them. they are crunchy and taste yummy and melt easy in his mouth. he can't get enough of them. he is so excited to be awake every minute of the day! he is laughing so much more than ever and loves to play games like peek-a-boo and where did Jackson go? he is so awesome. i love to watch him learn new things:)
In other news, Danny is liking his new job. he is getting to learn a ton of new things every day. His boss is really nice, and is just as much of a computer nerd as Danny is. He likes going to work everyday, and he works so much closer to home now, so we get to see a lot more of him during the day, and sometimes we even get to see him for lunch:)
i guess its time for some new pictures, so with that i will sign off for now:)

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