Thursday, March 17, 2011

15 month check-up!

Today was Jackson's 15 month check-up!
-He weighed 23.6 lbs
-He measures 32.5 inches long
-And his head circumference was 18.6.
He's on a perfect growth chart line, doctor says he's doing amazing. He was really surprised at all of the gross motor skills he can do!
He got only two shots, but it was more scary this time than it has been any other time!
After his afternoon nap he wasn't feeling so cheery..

He's was still feeling yucky and tired. But that's to be expected!


  1. He's so big and so ADORABLE!!

  2. Poor baby! Looking at some of your recent blogs, I love the pictures of Jackson. He has grown so much these last 7 months! He's a cutie!
